Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.' - Viktor Frankl
It may surprise you that anxiety and trauma are connected. I hope this helps with understanding we are wounded and trying to heal. 'I am not a bad person trying to get good, I am a wounded person trying to heal' Judy Crane
Remember, trauma is very individual and relative to each person. What one human may experience as trauma to another may mean little at all. As you read this it may be more helpful to put comparisons to one side. The human spirit never ceases to amaze in bravery and survival against all odds. Anxiety and trauma can also be linked to Addictions.
Please see Anxiety Disorders. This may help you understand what you are going through, what sufferer's experience, what you can do to help and what may not be so helpful. These anxiety disorders are very real to those who suffer from them.